It was great fun to relive these childhood moments - everything from live Nativity scenes to a confirmation retreat to a very profound moment when I watched my pastor help a homeless man get something to eat for lunch. I was reminded by this interview how much little moments make a big difference, and how important it is, from time-to-time, to reflect on what moments have made us the people we are today.
And then, I happened upon this blog post about Pilgrim's Coats: http://theadventdoor.com/2008/12/05/the-pilgrims-coat/

Here's a quote from that blog: "Painted with Buddhist mantras in flowing Japanese calligraphy, a simple coat such as this would have been worn by a person as they traveled from temple to temple on their spiritual journey. Each temple had its own stamp, and a typical pilgrim’s coat is laden with vivid cinnabar imprints gathered from the temples. The coat of a pilgrim who had been traveling for some time would have looked something like a cross between a passport and prayerbook, with the cinnabar stamps and calligraphic mantras mingling together to enfold the wearer."
We are stamped, marked, formed into who we are by things we experience along our way.
And, so, during this season of Advent reflection, I invite you to think about the experiences, people, places, and moments that have made an imprint on your life.
What's on your "pilgrim's coat"? And where might you look for your next stamp?
posted by Marsha.