Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Chasing the Divine"

Last week, I was out in Berkeley, CA, and I attended a lecture series on the topic, "Spiritual but not Religious: Chasing the Divine." The very first speaker talked a little bit about that tagline "Chasing the Divine." And I couldn't help but think, 'Why the chase? God is here already.'

We talk about following Jesus...and I suppose a chase is a frantic sort of following....trying really hard to be a good disciple.

But what if we just stop.
Take a breath.

There - right there - God in our midst.
We are with God; God is with us.

Yes, we follow, and maybe sometimes it feels a little frantic. But it seems to me that the key is to slow down - to not run so fast - to recognize that God is already with us.

So let's stop the chase and just breathe. And there God is, waiting for us.

posted by Marsha.