I got a pedicure today. This is not something I typically do, but I’d been hoping to get one today. On this Maundy Thursday, this day when the Church remembers Jesus washing the disciples’ feet, I wanted to get my feet washed. I recognize that my actions are a bit ironic. Traditionally, the Church has recognized this as a day when Jesus gives us the command to "love one another" as he has loved us. (John 13:34). "Maundy", after all, comes from a Latin word meaning mandate or command. Traditionally, this has been a day when we in the church think about self-sacrifice and service. Followers of Jesus Christ are invited to consider how loving others is a central task of our lives. We receive a command to care for others and to love as Jesus loved. We are called to action for the sake of one another.
Yet, I also think Maundy Thursday is about experiencing God’s love for us. This is where my pedicure comes in. Jesus’ actions showed extravagant love towards his disciples. He became a like servant to them, caring for them in big ways. He graciously loved them. As I got my feet rubbed and scrubbed, I was reminded that God loves me very much. During my seminary training I was constantly reminded that in order to care for others, I first need to care for myself. The same goes for all of us. It’s okay to take time to love and care for ourselves. True, Jesus probably didn’t file down calluses or paint the disciples’ toes a pretty shade of pink, but he did love extravagantly. So today, even as I hear a command to love and care for others, I am also reminded of God’s love and care for me. I’m reminded that it’s okay for me (and all of us) to take time to love and care for ourselves. In the coming weeks, I’ll think of this every time I look down at my pretty pink toenails!
posted by Emmy